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Bruce Jones, Vicar's Landing CEO

Remaining Independent

By News
Technology and scale have made it so much simpler to buy the things we want or need, to have a consistent experience in dining or hospitality wherever we travel, and to avoid waiting in line or sitting in traffic because of a necessary trip to the store. Growing up, every August we would go downtown to the shoe store to get new shoes for school, then to the department store for school clothes, then somewhere else for school supplies. Now, I can spend a few minutes on Amazon or similar websites to conveniently find all that I need. If I…
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Keep it in Perspective

By Senior Tips
There are moments in life where time stands still. Moments in the routine when something stops you in your tracks and you face your greatest fears. Suddenly, things that seemed so important recede into the background and you see with a new perspective. I recently had one of those heart-stopping experiences. My daughter is an excellent student, a competitive western equestrian, and a worship leader. On horseback, she has earned a spot in her national championships for the past several years and has placed nationally in her category. She plays guitar and piano in worship bands at church and school…
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At the End of the Rainbow: Pot of Gold or Crushing Waterfall

By Senior Tips
As I look at the future of senior housing, I see a beautiful rainbow created by strong demographics and longer life expectancies. The workforce needed to provide the needed care and services is in a generation that exceeds the size of the Boomers. However, if we are resigned to how things have always been done, we must be cautious about what is at the end of the rainbow. The Greatest Generation, Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials all bring a different perspective and culture based on their experiences and upbringing. The challenge for any business is that each…
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Retirement VIP Or PIP? The Choice Is Yours

By Senior Tips
If you are retired or nearing retirement, be careful you don’t become a PIP! I am not referring to Gladys Knight’s Pips on the Midnight Train to Georgia. Rather, PIP is an acronym for Previously Important People. In American culture, we place a great deal of emphasis on our work as our identity. It is understandable considering how much time we spend at work and the connection our work provides with other people. When meeting someone new, we usually ask “What do you do for a living?” What happens when the work is not there? This can create an identity…
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Scissors cutting Paper

Change Is Hard…Or Is It

By Senior Tips
“Why does everything have to change?” “Why is change so hard?” “Why can’t things stay the same?” We have all heard these cries before, and we will often think the same thing. If you consider it, though, why do we think change is such a difficult thing? Only thirty years ago or so, I was thrilled to get a pager so that my friends could get in touch with me at any time. Now, I hold a computer in my hand that allows me to video conference in real time with anyone in the world. To get to that point…
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